How are Merlin Toilets different from other toilets on the market?

The majority of portable toilets on the market are imported or their parts are imported and assembled in Australia, these components are regularly cheap imitations or simply not built for Australian conditions. We use Australian made cabinets and internals manufactured in our factory with stringent quality control and import top grade European marine grade components – so they last up to 20 years. Please peruse our spare parts page to understand the quality of the components we use. We are proud to tell you what is in our toilets – we have nothing to hide.

We stand by our products and honour our warranty. Please be careful buying from overnight start ups pretending to have been in business for 40 years. Ring and speak with any reputable hire company and ask them what brand of portable toilet do they buy and stock. They may carry a couple of brands and Merlin is always one of them.

Last updated on 18th August 2020

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